A Day in the Life of a Children’s Physical Therapist Easter Seals Greater Houston’s Children’s Therapy Clinic provides Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy services for clients ages 1-21 years old with developmental delays and disabilities. Our dedicated therapists have specialized…

Tag: Physical Therapy
Teamwork Makes ECI Work
An ECI parent shares how therapists work together to help her twin boys meet their developmental milestones.
Thinking INside the Box
JP and Bea’s parents share their experiences with our Early Childhood Development program.
Always Grateful – Successes Big and Small
I will forever be grateful for my child’s therapist. We have been with Easter Seals Greater Houston Early Childhood Intervention Program since 2021. I have had 3 children receive therapy through ECI and it’s been amazing. My youngest, Malice, was…
Our Littles’ Big Victories
Our littlest clients get a team of specialists to help them reach their goals and developmental milestones. Their accomplishments mean the world to their parents, siblings, caregivers, and care team. Today, we are celebrating some of our littles’ mighty big victories!
Precious Time
Precious Time Because children learn and grow at different rates, even the most attentive parents can miss important milestones. This realization can be stressful for parents and caregivers, but this is when our Infant Program experts step in. Read this…
Ready for Awwtumn
Ready for Awwtumn We’re Ready for Awwtumn! The temperatures soared this summer, but so did our clients! Children with cerebral palsy reached new heights at our inclusive camp, High School/High Tech students had incredible internships, The Caroline School Summer Program…
Singing Our Praises
Singing Our Praises The following success story was shared by a parent whose daughter has thrived in our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Infant Program! “Simone was born four months prematurely and spent seven months in the NICU. We knew it…
Walk With Me Shirts Revealed!
Walk With Me Shirts Revealed! The animals are ready, are you?! We are only 17 days away from the 12th annual Walk With Me Houston, our 5K through the Houston Zoo presented by Prosperity Bank! There will be new animal…
Let’s Walk and Roll
Let’s Walk and Roll! Reasons to participate in Walk With Me Houston on Saturday, April 22nd: Day at the Houston Zoo (new penguin, Galapagos Tortoise, & sea lion exhibit!) Event shirt AND racer number After Party with food, entertainment, and…