Easter Seals Greater Houston provides an individualized approach to assisting people with disabilities and other needs to make informed choices and attain their employment aspirations. Easter Seals' approach includes an array of services and supports that ultimately lead to employment. This approach is designed to identify goals, objectives, and planning needs, and provides the support a person needs to achieve and maintain employment. Easter Seals can help you determine what might work for you in reaching your employment goals.

Free Financial Education Programs
We offer assistance applying for public benefits, financial coaching, financial education classes, financial technology classes, the Food Scholarship Program, homebuyer education classes, and Veterans Success classes. Learn more.

High School/High Tech
A community-based partnership of parents, educators, rehabilitation professionals, and business representatives working together to encourage students with disabilities to explore the fields of science, engineering, and technology. Learn more.

Housing Initiative Montgomery County
Easter Seals Greater Houston is closing on 20-30 homes in Montgomery County per year, making the dream of homeownership a reality for individuals with disabilities who are low to moderate income and first-time homebuyers. Learn more.

Transition Services
Youth ages 16-27 with autism and mental health conditions can partake in transition evaluation and planning, social skills training, family and community resources, and goals that reflect the youth's realizable aspirations in areas of education or work, peer supports, job placement, job coaching, and supported employment. Learn More.