Therapy Services

Children's Therapy
Through speech, occupational and physical therapy, therapists help children from birth to 21 years of age become as independent as possible and participate in family, school, and community activities. Learn more.

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)
Early Childhood Intervention services are for children from birth to 36 months, who have developmental delays, medical diagnoses, disabilities, or atypical behaviors. Learn more.

Mental Health Services
Easter Seals Greater Houston is expanding our mental health services beyond the military families we currently serve. Learn more.

ToyTech and Play Therapy
Year-long play and activity-based therapy such as Play-A-Palooza, yoga, karate, dance, and art therapy are adapted to the needs of children with all types of disabilities. ToyTech is a lending library of toys adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. Learn more.

Veterans, Service Members, and Military-Connected Family Services
Assisting Veterans, Service Members and Military-Connected Family Members in building the lives they want during and after the military and to meet their needs around reintegration, stability, wellness, and growth. Learn more.