The role of the caregiver is critical to having a healthy functioning family, and respite is a key factor in the self-care journey of a caregiver.

Tag: Parents (page 2)
Celebrating National Mentoring Month with Success
Celebrating National Mentoring Month with Success! We all know mentoring is helpful, and we’ve all probably got people in our lives who we consider to be our own mentors. It might not be too often, though, that we get…
School Ready ECI Works!
Before Easter Seals Greater Houston’s Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI) came into our lives our son had major delays in just about every area. We were unsure of his ability to function in school. Now that he is nearing three…
Precious Time
Precious Time Because children learn and grow at different rates, even the most attentive parents can miss important milestones. This realization can be stressful for parents and caregivers, but this is when our Infant Program experts step in. Read this…
Our Super Graduate
Our Super Graduate Layton Craig is an official Occupational Therapy Graduate! Layton has been a part of the Easter Seals Greater Houston family since he was very young. Layton came to Children’s Therapy Program at the age of 3 and…
Singing Our Praises
Singing Our Praises The following success story was shared by a parent whose daughter has thrived in our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Infant Program! “Simone was born four months prematurely and spent seven months in the NICU. We knew it…
Sliding Into Summer with New Skills
Sliding Into Summer with New Skills Early Childhood Intervention sessions can all look very different. Check out how Noah and his mom worked on new skills at the park with his Early Intervention Specialist. Noah and his mom learned new…
What is Specialized Skills Training?
What is Specialized Skills Training? Did you know that Specialized Skills Training is actually for the parents and caregivers of little ones in Early Childhood Intervention? Specialized Skills Training (SST) increases your ability to help your child learn with a…
Walk With Me Shirts Revealed!
Walk With Me Shirts Revealed! The animals are ready, are you?! We are only 17 days away from the 12th annual Walk With Me Houston, our 5K through the Houston Zoo presented by Prosperity Bank! There will be new animal…
Free Zoo Day for Kids
Free Zoo Day for Kids For the 12th annual Walk With Me Houston, all children ages 11 and below can participate in the 5K family fun walk for FREE! Like an adult walker, each child participant will receive a full…