Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) Easter Seals Greater Houston’s Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program for high school students with disabilities (a partnership with IEL, Institute for Educational Leadership) offers a valuable opportunity for personal growth, skill development, and increased…

Mentoring Matters: Be the Difference for Students with Disabilities
Mentoring Matters: Be the Difference for Students with Disabilities A new year often brings a surge of motivation or a renewed sense of intentionality. Do you have a New Years Resolution this year? January is National Mentoring Month and I…
A Recipe for Success
A Recipe for Success While Texas has one of the highest graduation rates in the country for students with disabilities, it’s still nearly 10 percentage points below the state’s overall graduation rate. Easter Seals Greater Houston’s High School/ High Tech…
Celebrating National Mentoring Month with Success
Celebrating National Mentoring Month with Success! We all know mentoring is helpful, and we’ve all probably got people in our lives who we consider to be our own mentors. It might not be too often, though, that we get…
Hired on the Spot
Hired on the Spot We are thrilled to announce that one of our paid summer internships has led to a full-time paid position with benefits for one of our former High School/High Tech (HSHT) and Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program…
Mentoring: Student to Coworker
Mentoring: Student to Coworker As National Mentoring Month closes, we’re sharing Allan’s wonderful success story of being a mentee, becoming a mentor, and achieving his dream of employment. The entire Easter Seals Greater Houston team is so proud of all…