Communicating CLARAly Our latest client success story comes from Daryn, one of our incredible speech language pathologists with a passion for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Daryn works in the Children’s Therapy Program and BridgingApps, our technology program focusing on…

Tag: Occupational Therapy (page 2)
Holiday Meal Tips for the Child with Feeding Difficulties
Holiday Meal Tips for the Child with Feeding Difficulties The holidays are often a wonderful time for social gatherings and delicious meals. We often enjoy sitting down with family and friends and indulging in some of our favorite home-cooked meals.…
Double, Double No More Trouble
Double, Double No More Trouble We first met these two cuties when they entered our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Program as itty bitty preemies. Over the years, the twins have worked with multiple providers utilizing all of the services available…
Incredible, Measurable Progress
“She has grown in confidence when it comes to expressing herself and the joy that we feel for her is worth it all.”
Children’s Therapy
Children’s Therapy – Greater Houston Area Clinic Play Video Children’s Therapy Program Specializing in Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Services Program Each of the Children’s Therapy Program’s dedicated therapists has specialized training and experience in working with children from birth…