Singing Our Praises
The following success story was shared by a parent whose daughter has thrived in our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Infant Program!
“Simone was born four months prematurely and spent seven months in the NICU. We knew it would be a difficult road to get her to the best she could be. Easter Seals Greater Houston's Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Infant Program was the first group that became part of her team. They came to our home to do Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Speech Therapy with us.
"When the pandemic hit, the Easter Seals ECI therapists were just as involved virtually. They were never phased by Simone’s challenges or the world’s challenges. They helped her move from g-tube feeds to oral feeds, from being unable to sit up or roll over to running and climbing stairs, from not making many sounds to nonstop talking and singing. It has been amazing to see my child grow and the bonds she has made with her therapists. The work Easter Seals Greater Houston does is amazing! And we have been incredibly fortunate to have access to it”.
Interested in how ECI can help your little one? We offer an array of services based on the child's needs. Our services are provided by licensed/certified providers who have extensive experience and are specialized in working with small children. Learn more!