
Precious Time

Precious Time Because children learn and grow at different rates, even the most attentive parents can miss important milestones. This realization can be stressful for parents and caregivers, but this is when our Infant Program experts step in. Read this…
Clients during Summer 2023 on background of Veterans art

Ready for Awwtumn

Ready for Awwtumn We’re Ready for Awwtumn! The temperatures soared this summer, but so did our clients! Children with cerebral palsy reached new heights at our inclusive camp, High School/High Tech students had incredible internships, The Caroline School Summer Program…
Little Girl running

Singing Our Praises

Singing Our Praises The following success story was shared by a parent whose daughter has thrived in our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Infant Program! “Simone was born four months prematurely and spent seven months in the NICU. We knew it…