Thank You, Caregivers

Caregiver…. Defined as someone who provides for the needs of their children or someone who is ill or cannot provide for themselves.

The stressors that go hand in hand when caring for a loved one with a disability or debilitating illness are endless. Some of the major stressors include caring for someone who needs continuous care, the feeling of isolation, financial problems, frustration with health care, not having a set plan of action and the stress of juggling all family members including your spouse. Surveys show that the rate of divorce in families that have one or more children with a disability may be as high as 87%. The role of the caregiver is critical to having a healthy functioning family. If the caregiver does not take care of himself or herself, the entire family suffers.

Collage of goofy selfies of parents in the car while they enjoy Family Day Out."Our day always starts early. Within minutes, it's like going from zero to 100 miles per hour. Then it stays at 100 till its bed time again. Every day the same - full of challenges. My beautiful boy is happy one minute and frustrated the next. Whatever the feeling, it is always on tilt. In our house, my husband and I work hard to not let autism define his world or ours. So, keeping that in mind, it has been critical for us to acknowledge that if we don’t care for ourselves, we can't care for our family.

February 16th is Caregiver Awareness Day. Kind of funny to say in my own world because I think it should be every day of every month. However, I am so thankful that society wants to bring focus on what we, caregivers, really have to embrace every day and awareness to the challenges that we are finally allowed to open up about. Challenges that, until now, we were always expected to “suck up” and “cover up” so society would not have to see. What they didn’t see is the love we have for our son, the love he has for us and the potential he has to be truly fulfilled in his life. We just needed the tools to keep focus on that love.

Easter Seals Greater Houston's respite program has not only been a wonderful gift to our family, but absolutely critical to our well-being. Specifically, the Family Day Out program up in Montgomery County. Having the one day a month where I know my son will be in a safe and in a non-stressful atmosphere, gives me and my husband the time to…. take a deep breath, spend time together as a couple or even have one-on-one time with our older daughter. Easter Seals helps us help our family."

- Easter Seals Greater Houston client, M.P.

Learn more about our Respite Services, Family Day Out Program and Parents Night Out Program for caregivers in Houston and surrounding areas.


Thank you to our partners, The George Foundation and United Way of Greater Houston, for supporting our Respite Services for caregivers.