Transition Services
Job Placement, Job Coaching, Supported Employment, Work Readiness Training, and Pre-employment Training services are offered to clients of the Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services program. Persons receiving these services may have any disability and must be over 17 years old for Supported Employment Services and Work Readiness Training and between 14 and 22 years old for Pre-Employment Training.
- Job Placement – Assistance in developing and carrying out a job search plan. We help you choose a job, develop a resume, submit applications, prepare for job interviews, and begin your job.
- Job Coaching – After you begin working, our staff will go to your job with you to help you learn your job and become a part of the team. We will come to your job on a schedule we set together. Over time, we will adjust the schedule and come to the job fewer times per week/month until you can do your job independently.
- Supported Employment – A system of services that lead to a good job. It begins with a comprehensive assessment to identify your strengths and preferences regarding jobs. We then develop a plan to address whatever barriers stand in the way of success on the job, and work that plan with you until you find the right job. When you begin working, we will be there to help you learn your job and adjust to the routine of your new work environment.
- Work Readiness Training – A classroom-based training program designed to help you learn the “soft” skills you will need to be successful at work. In addition to learning to interact in a positive manner with your coworkers and boss, you will learn financial planning and budgeting. Classes are small, with no more than six students per teacher.
- Pre-employment Training – A two-week day camp where you will decide upon a vocational field, learn about your rights and responsibilities as an adult, develop a resume, practice job interviews, and spend two days gaining valuable work experience.
Transition Age Youth Project of Easter Seals Greater Houston
Services and support for persons, ages 16 - 27, who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, are designed to help youth become more independent and successful in their communities. Services may include a combination of the following:
Supported Employment provided by Easter Seals Greater Houston to help persons who want to go to work find and keep a job with a future in their area of interest;
College classes at the Houston Community College VAST Academy to help beginning HCC students successfully complete their basic English or Math courses and to bridge the gap between high school and college;
Financial Coaching for youth and families, provided by Easter Seals Greater Houston, to help in planning for attending college, saving for a car or apartment, or helping their family buy a home; and,
Online Driver's Education for a limited number of participants provided by Easter Seals Greater Houston in collaboration with SafeWay Driving;
Mobile Technology for a limited number of participants provided by Easter Seals Greater Houston will provide training, loaner devices, and apps to help youth meet their goals in education and/or employment
Self Sufficiency Fund of Easter Seals Greater Houston
Persons who qualify for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families or SNAP (food stamp) benefits can take advantage of training and job placement services provided through a partnership between Easter Seals Greater Houston and Houston Community College's Corporate College.
Persons can receive training in: General Construction and Carpentry, Logistics and Materials Moving, Computer Repair, and Computer Network Management
Classes last from one to three months and you will leave with a certificate in your chosen area which you can present to employers to show them you have the training and skills they are looking for in an employee. Easter Seals will help you get a job in your chosen field and can help you acquire the uniforms or special footwear you might need to start your new career.
Program Director: Kristie Carlisle
Intake/Information: Jacquelyn Privitera
Phone: 713-838-9050 ext 363 - Fax: 713-838-8098
Easter Seals Main Office - 4888 Loop Central Drive, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77081
Learn more about our Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) and High School/High Tech Programs.
This program is made possible by The Alcon Foundation, Inc., The Coca-Cola Foundation, Comcast Houston Region, IBM and United Way of Greater Houston. Special thanks for your generous support!