
Precious Time

Precious Time Because children learn and grow at different rates, even the most attentive parents can miss important milestones. This realization can be stressful for parents and caregivers, but this is when our Infant Program experts step in. Read this…
Zachary eating pizza

Therapy is the Secret Ingredient

Therapy is the Secret Ingredient Zachary came to Children’s Therapy Program with a parental concern about his limited food intake and variety consisting of bread and plain pasta. His family noticed that Zachary had difficulty mixing some foods and textures.…
Layton holding his Occupational Therapy Graduate Certificate

Our Super Graduate

Our Super Graduate Layton Craig is an official Occupational Therapy Graduate! Layton has been a part of the Easter Seals Greater Houston family since he was very young. Layton came to Children’s Therapy Program at the age of 3 and…