Camps and Recreation
We offer several different camps for people with all types of disabilities. Our camps are barrier-free and designed to be accessible to everyone. A camp experience increases skills and enhances self-confidence while giving families much-needed respite from the hard work and responsibility they face every day. Additionally, these activities provide an opportunity to learn to problem-solve, make social adjustments to new and different people, learn responsibility, and gain new skills to increase self-esteem.

Adult Programs
Recreational groups for young adults and seniors with disabilities provide socialization, skills building and independence. Learn more.

Camp Buckaroo
A week-long day camp for children with any type of disabilities, ages 6-15, and their siblings, ages 6-10. Learn more.

Camp M.O.S.T.
Weekend overnight camp for teens & young adults with cerebral palsy and similar neurological disorders, ages 15-21. Learn more.

Camp Smiles
A week-long overnight camp for children with cerebral palsy and similar neurological disorders, ages 6-15. Learn more.

Family Camps
Veteran family camps, typically led in tandem by our Camp and Mental Health programs, happen over long weekends in the fall and spring. Family camps offer military-connected families opportunities to experience the outdoors, unplug, reconnect, work on communication and reinforce relationships. Learn more.

Family Day Out
Family Day Out is a day camp for children with disabilities and their siblings to enjoy arts & crafts, group games, and more! Learn more.

Parents Night Out
Parents Night Out is a Friday out-of-home Respite program for children, teens, and young adults with disabilities to have an opportunity to socialize in a safe and fun environment. Learn more.

ToyTech & Play Groups
Year-long play- and activity-based therapy such as Play-A-Palooza, yoga, karate, dance, and art therapy are adapted to the needs of children with all types of disabilities. ToyTech is a lending library of toys adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. Learn more.