Wish List
- Roller plus Joystick - $395
- Tumble Form Seat - $400
- Gab N Go Harness - $50
- RJ Cooper Big Blue Tooth Keyboard - $199
- Ablenet TableTop Suction Mount - $105
- Ablenet New Blue2 Switch - $179
- Enabling Devices Vertical Wobble Switch - $71
- Tecla Shield by Komodo Labs - $349
- Trackball Mouse - $24
- Apple Trackpad - $70
- Trackpad for PC - $40
- Tumble Form Seats in a variety of sizes - $300 and up
Check out our Amazon Wish List here
- iPod Music Player - high quality
Check Out our Amazon Wish List here
The Caroline School
Check out our Amazon Wish List here
Children's Therapy Program
Check out our Amazon Wish List here
Counseling/ Mental Health
- Kinetic Sand
- Coloring Books (mandala type for teens and adults)
- Gel Pens
- Soft Dolls
- Checkers
- Playing Cards
- Jenga
- Blocks- Wood or Foam
- Ungame
- Consequences
Early Child Intervention Infant Program
- Hip Helpers $18 each
- Honey Bears $5 each
- Specialized Bottles $25 each
- Oral Motor Equipment (spoons, straws, cups, etc.) $25-$100 each
Check out our Amazon Wish List Here
- Children's activities and supplies (games, crafts, athletic goods)
High School/High Tech and Ready to Achieve Mentoring (RAMP)
- Amazon Gift Cards to give as incentives for our mentors and our students
- Super Bulky Chunky/Chenille Yarn for Hand Knitting
Check out our Amazon Wish List Here
To make a monetary donation for an item(s) on our wish list or to donate a piece of equipment, please contact us at info@eastersealshouston.org or donate here.