Technology at The Caroline School

Here at The Caroline School technology is key to maximizing independence.
Our student population is incredibly diverse, but no matter the level of ability, technology plays a critical role in providing a successful education and a rich quality of life.
AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication)
- iPads and Speech-Generating Devices: Mobile tech like iPads and speech-generating devices such as, Go Talk and Big Mac, have become a key factor in giving our students the ability to interact with their peers, staff, teachers and family.
- Eyegaze Tracking: For students with profound disabilities that limit movement and communication, Eyegaze assistive technology (Tobii Dynavox) tracks their eye movements, allowing them to interact with a screen and communicate.
When a high-tech device is not suitable for your child, we use communication boards and books filled with symbols and pictures. We also work with our Occupational and Speech Therapists to outfit our classrooms with Assistive Technology (AT). The list of AT used in the classroom is extensive and includes low to high-tech options, such as adapted grips for utensils or writing instruments, weighted vests, slant boards, styli, and lightboxes. The Caroline School works hand in hand with other Easter Seals Greater Houston programs such as BridgingApps and Children’s Therapy to help your child succeed in the classroom and in life.

Daryn is a speech language pathologist with a passion for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). She has a B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Austin and an M.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Houston. She worked with children birth to three and their families through Early Childhood Intervention for four-and-a-half years. She currently works in the Children’s Therapy Program and BridgingApps, our technology program focusing on making every day tech accessible to people with all abilities, where she conducts AAC evaluations and consults with families, teachers, and therapists. She also consults for The Caroline School, Easter Seals’ school for children with complex medical needs.