Holiday Adoption
It's that time of year again...here are some ways you can help!
Excited to announce that we are going back to our traditional holiday adoption for the most part. We know that the need is great. Our therapists, who are in the homes and see the need first-hand, YEAR-ROUND nominate the families that they know are especially in need. This year is no exception.
Having learned a few lessons through Covid-19, we are attempting to once again be able to have our donors deliver to the families if they would like to, but also trying to condense for delivery ease. Our nominating staff fills out adoption forms with family names, ages, sizes, needs, etc. and then we pair the nominated families with groups, corporations, etc. that want to adopt. Generally, if it is a larger group wanting to adopt, we will pair them with a larger family. Usually, it entails toys and clothes (an outfit per person), a jacket and shoes for siblings and the client, and maybe a set of clothes for the parents unless there is something else that they really need like blankets, sheets, etc. This may be accomplished by shopping for the items, providing gift cards to fulfill, or a combination.
Some of our corporate donors have moved to a “drive” format. Please know that drives actually help us in an ongoing way through the year and are crucial to families who are in emergencies such as disaster recovery. Drives can be anything from socks, blankets, gift cards, pajamas, and winter coats.
Help us Adopt Our Families in Need: We are asking for three main donations, easy to mail if need be, but nonetheless as effective and helpful:
- Donation to help ESGH purchase gift cards - you can donate using this form or you can mail donations to Kelly Klein:
Kelly Klein
4888 Loop Central Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77081
- Family Adoption through the detailed nomination form
- Host a Holiday Drive for small things easily packaged or transported (socks, underwear, pajamas, etc.)
Shop GoodShop: You probably need to shop for the holidays anyway...why not use GoodShop? Choose Easter Seals Greater Houston as your charity and we will receive a portion of the proceeds from your purchase! Check it out.
For more information, please email Kelly Klein at kklein@eastersealshouston.org