Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)

Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) provides home and community based services to people with disabilities or a related condition as a cost-effective alternative to placement in an intermediate care facility. The main benefit of CLASS is to help maintain independence and provide support for an impaired person living at home or in the community. Easter Seals Greater Houston is one of the organizations that provides case management services for the CLASS program in the greater Houston area.

Available Services
Case Management
With referrals to:
Habilitation Training
Respite Care
Nursing Services
Physical Therapy
Speech Pathology
Occupational Therapy
Adaptive Aides and Medical Services
Minor Home Modifications
Consumer Directed Services
Specialized Therapies (music, therapeutic horseback riding, massage and recreational therapy)

Eligibility Requirements
- Onset of disability must have originated before the age of 22
- Have a Texas Health and Human Services approved initial individual service plan that does not exceed the program's cost ceiling
- Have demonstrated a need for ongoing habilitation and case management services
- Reside in a geographic catchment area where CLASS services are provided
- Financial eligibility is determined by the Texas Health and Human Services. For more information, please visit their website.

For more information regarding CLASS, please email or call 832-919-2376.